Rule of the Week – When to Start Round

A player’s round starts when the player makes a stroke to start their first hole (see Rule 6.1a). The player must start at (and not before) their starting time:

  • This means that the player must be ready to play at the starting time and starting point set by the Committee.
  • A starting time set by the Committee is treated as an exact time (for example, 9am means 9:00:00am, not any time until 9:01am).

If the starting time is delayed for any reason (such as weather, slow play of other groups or the need for a ruling by a referee), there is no breach of this Rule if the player is present and ready to play when the player’s group is able to start.

Penalty for Breach of Rule 5.3a: Disqualification, except in these three cases:

  • Exception 1 – Player Arrives at Starting Point, Ready to Play, No More Than Five Minutes Late: The player gets the general penalty applied to their first hole.
  • Exception 2 – Player Starts No More Than Five Minutes Early: The player gets the general penalty applied to their first hole.
  • Exception 3 – Committee Decides that Exceptional Circumstances Prevented Player from Starting on Time: There is no breach of this Rule and no penalty.
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