Message from Golf Course Superintendent Cameron Smith

“With just one month to go until the Australian WPGA Championship, preparations are in full swing. Extra efforts are being made to tackle tasks that are usually done less frequently and the maintenance team is putting in extra hours to ensure everything is in top condition as we build momentum towards the event. It’s shaping up to be an exciting month ahead.

I’d also like to give another huge thank you to the volunteer group for their hard work with garden maintenance, mulching, and mowing the rough.”

Update on the Golf Courses

The Golf Course Maintenance team completed the following this week on The Pines golf course:

  • Applied fertiliser, fungicide, and insecticide to the greens
  • Top-dressed practice hole 1
  • Mowed the rough
  • Applied fertiliser to the fairways on holes 4, 7, 13 and 16

On The Palms golf course, the following was completed this week:

  • Verti-cut and dusted the greens
  • Commenced mowing the rough and outer rough
  • Detailed and trimmed select gardens
  • Applied fertiliser to the fairways, tees, and aprons
  • Repaired the irrigation on hole 8
  • Edged and detailed the cart paths
  • Conducted a sand depth check and other maintenance to the bunkers
  • Completed an irrigation trim
  • Pressure washed the tunnels
  • Repaired and re-turfed damaged areas

Next week, the team plans to do the following on The Pines golf course:

  • Apply granular fertiliser to the fairways
  • Complete an irrigation trim

The Palms golf course will undergo the following:

  • Trim and detail the lakes
  • Install new tee discs
  • Mow the rough
  • Trim the irrigation, valve boxes, and drainage pits
  • Install new garden stones along path edges on holes 16 and 17
  • Complete a full garden detail

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