Rule of the Week – When Players May or Must Stop Play

During a round, a player must not stop play except in these cases:

  • Suspension by Committee: All players must stop play if the Committee suspends play.
  • Stopping Play by Agreement in Match Play: Players in a match may agree to stop play for any reason, except if doing so delays the competition. If they agree to stop play and then one player wants to resume play, the agreement has ended and the other player must resume play.
  • Individual Player Stopping Play Because of Lightning: A player may stop play if they reasonably believe there is danger from lightning, but must report to the Committee as soon as possible.

Leaving the course is not, by itself, stopping play. A player’s delay of play is covered by Rule 5.6a, not by this Rule.

If a player stops play for any reason not allowed under this Rule or fails to report to the Committee when required to do so, the player is disqualified.

Rule 5.7a

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