Message from Golf Course Superintendent Cameron Smith

“The Golf Course Maintenance team has made excellent progress this week despite challenging weather conditions. Key tasks, such as clearing debris from the fairways and top-dressing the greens, are being completed to maintain optimal course conditions. The reshaping and changes to the mowing height of tees on The Pines golf course will enhance both the playability and visual appeal of the course. The installation of the rock wall on The Palms golf course hole 10 green is another valuable improvement, providing both structural support and aesthetic enhancement. Preparations for the upcoming WPGA event remain a priority, ensuring the course is ready to host a successful tournament.

Update on the Golf Courses

The Golf Course Maintenance team completed the following this week on The Pines golf course:

  • Continuing the course renovations
  • Trimmed and detailed the bunkers
  • Detailed and cleaned the Clubhouse entrance pond

On The Palms golf course, the following was completed this week:

  • Verti-cut the greens
  • Dusted the greens before brooming and rolling surfaces
  • Commenced installing the new hole 10 rock wall
  • Continued to cut the rough

Next week, the team plans to do the following on The Pines golf course:

  • Continue the course renovations

The Palms golf course will undergo the following:

  • Application of a fertiliser and growth regulator on the fairways, tees, and aprons
  • Edging and detailing the cart paths
  • Completing an irrigation trim
  • Continue to mow the rough at a lower height
  • Conduct a volunteer group clean-up and detail

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