Rule of the Week – Anchoring the Club

When making a stroke, players must not anchor the club directly or indirectly, as this gives an unfair advantage.

10.1b Anchoring the Club

  • A player must not anchor the club:
    • Directly: By holding the club or a gripping hand against any part of the body (except that holding the club or gripping hand against the hand or forearm is allowed).
    • Indirectly: By using an “anchor point,” where a player holds a forearm against any part of the body to create a stable point around which the other hand swings the club.
  • If the player’s club, gripping hand, or forearm merely touches their body or clothing during the stroke without being held against the body, there is no breach of the Rule.
  • For this Rule, “forearm” refers to the part of the arm below the elbow joint, including the wrist.

Example: A player holds the club against their chest while making a putt, anchoring the stroke. This is a breach of Rule 10.1b, and the player would receive the general penalty.

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