Rule of the Week – Deliberately Removing Objects or Altering Conditions to Affect Ball in Motion

Players must not deliberately alter physical conditions or remove objects to affect where a ball in motion (either their own or another player’s) might come to rest.

11.3 Deliberately Removing Objects or Altering Conditions to Affect Ball in Motion

  • A player must not deliberately take actions such as:
    • Altering physical conditions listed in Rule 8.1a (e.g., replacing a divot or pressing down raised turf).
    • Lifting or removing:
      • A loose impediment (see Rule 15.1a, Exception 2), or
      • A movable obstruction (see Rule 15.2a, Exception 2).
  • This Rule applies even if the action does not affect where the ball comes to rest.

Exception: Players may lift or move:

  • A removed flagstick,
  • A ball at rest on the putting green (see Rules 9.4, 9.5, and 14.1 for penalty situations), or
  • Equipment belonging to any player (except a ball at rest anywhere except the putting green or a ball-marker anywhere on the course).

Note: Removing the flagstick from the hole while a ball is in motion is covered under Rule 13.2, not by this Rule.

Penalty for Breach of Rule 11.3: General Penalty

Example: A player deliberately removes a loose impediment while another player’s ball is in motion. Even if the action does not impact where the ball comes to rest, the player receives the general penalty for breaching Rule 11.3.

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