Message from Golf Course Superintendent Cameron Smith

“The Golf Course Maintenance team has been busy across both courses this week, focusing on improving turf health and course presentation. On The Pines golf course, the team has applied fertilisers to key playing surfaces, re-turfed bare areas, and top-dressed greens and fairways to enhance playability. The Palms golf course also received a lot of attention, with bunker detailing, fairway fertilisation, and ongoing irrigation work. Next week, we’ll continue these efforts with additional fertilisation, mowing, and irrigation maintenance to keep both courses in top condition.

I’d like to say a special thank you to the members who have been volunteering in the Members’ Working Bees. Their efforts have already made a clear difference in keeping the course in its finest shape as we prepare for the Australian WPGA Championship.”

Update on the Golf Courses

The Golf Course Maintenance team completed the following this week on The Pines golf course:

  • Top-dressed the greens
  • Applied a granular fertiliser to the tees and aprons
  • Renovated the tees and top-dressed the fairway on practice hole 1
  • Applied a foliar fertiliser to the fairways, tees, and aprons
  • Applied a fungicide to the greens
  • Re-turfed bare areas on holes 6 and 14 fairways

On The Palms golf course, the following was completed this week:

  • Spread mulch with the Members’ Working Bee volunteers
  • Applied a granular fertiliser to the fairways and aprons
  • Trimmed and detailed the bunker edges
  • Re-turfed bare areas on the fairways and path edges
  • Mowed the rough
  • Commenced an irrigation trim
  • Applied and watered in a soil conditioner

Next week, the team plans to do the following on The Pines golf course:

  • Mow the rough
  • Apply a granular fertiliser to the greens and fairways
  • Apply a foliar fertiliser to the driving range
  • Begin an irrigation trim

The Palms golf course will undergo the following:

  • Verti-cut and dust the greens
  • Edge the cart paths
  • Complete the ongoing irrigation trim

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