Message from Golf Course Superintendent Cameron Smith

This week, preparations have intensified as the PGA has started their infrastructure work on The Palms golf course. While the build continues on tournament hole 18, the Golf Course Maintenance team has been focusing on fine-tuning the details. The team has been trimming lake edges, mulching, and working on the landscape areas. This will carry on into next week, allowing the team to shift their focus to the playing surfaces and bunker trimming.

Meanwhile, the team has been working on bringing The Pines golf course back after its renovations, with light sand dustings on all fairways and greens to improve surface smoothness. A granular fertiliser has been applied on the fairways this week, and bunker presentation work is set to continue.

A huge thank you goes out to all the volunteers who have assisted the maintenance team in completing tasks that might have otherwise been overlooked, as well as helping to keep the rough at a manageable height. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Update on the Golf Courses

The Golf Course Maintenance team completed the following this week on The Pines golf course:

  • Dusted the greens and fairways
  • Applied an insecticide to the greens
  • Applied fertiliser to the fairways
  • Trimmed the greenside quick coupling valves
  • Continued to mow the rough

On The Palms golf course, the following was completed this week:

  • Installed new tee plates
  • Returfed bare areas on the fairways
  • Applied a fungicide to the greens
  • Applied a wetting agent to the course
  • Continued under pruning and garden cleanup
  • Continued to mulch the gardens
  • Mowed the outer rough
  • Trimmed the lake edges
  • Realigned the path posts between holes 13 and 14

Next week, the team plans to do the following on The Pines golf course:

  • Apply a wetting agent to the greens
  • Apply a foliar fertiliser to the fairways, tees and aprons
  • Continue mowing the rough
  • Complete an irrigation trim

The Palms golf course will undergo the following:

  • Continue mulching the gardens
  • Apply a foliar fertiliser to the fairways, tees and aprons
  • Trim the irrigation, drain pits and valve boxes
  • Install a rock garden edge on holes 16 and 17
  • Complete a bunker trim and detail
  • Undertake a sand depth check
  • Dust the greens

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