Message from Golf Course Superintendent Cameron Smith

This week, The Pines golf course has reopened following its annual renovations. While the course is still in recovery, the playing surfaces are improving each day. The rock wall on hole 10 of The Palms golf course has been completed, with new turf laid last Thursday. The area around the new turf is marked as GUR until further notice. As the Australian WPGA Championship draws nearer, additional hands will be added to focus on detailed work in the final weeks before the event, now that The Pines golf course renovations are complete.

Update on the Golf Courses

The Golf Course Maintenance team completed the following this week on The Pines golf course:

  • Finished topdressing the fairways
  • Renovated the Clubhouse-end range tee and hole 9 tee
  • Mowed the rough at a lower height
  • Verti-cut and dusted the large practice green

On The Palms golf course, the following was completed this week:

  • Re-turfed bare patches on the fairways
  • Laid new turf around the hole 10 rock wall
  • Verti-cut and dusted the greens
  • Repaired bird damage on the greens
  • Completed irrigation repairs across the course

Next week, the team plans to do the following on The Pines golf course:

  • Apply a fertiliser to the fairways, tees and aprons
  • Dust the greens
  • Continue mowing the rough

The Palms golf course will undergo the following:

  • Detail and trim the bunkers
  • Edge the cart paths
  • Continue turf works

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