Message from Golf Course Superintendent Cameron Smith
“This week, the Golf Course Maintenance team has made significant progress on The Pines and The Palms golf courses as well as in preparations for the Australian WPGA Championship. Renovations on The Pines golf course are focused on top-dressing the fairways, an essential step toward its reopening on Australia Day. On The Palms golf course, the new rock wall near the hole 10 green has been completed, with re-levelling and new turf finishing the area. Preparations for the Australian WPGA Championship are also well underway, with garden detailing progressing, rough heights being lowered, andthe application of foliar fertiliser to ensure optimal course presentation.“
Update on the Golf Courses
The Golf Course Maintenance team completed the following this week on The Pines golf course:
- Continued with renovations
- Finished topdressing the fairways and greens
- Applied amendments to the greens
- Mowed the rough at a lower height
On The Palms golf course, the following was completed this week:
- Worked with the Members’ Working Bee to clean palm fronds from the hole 9 fairway
- Applied a fertiliser to the fairways, tees, and aprons
- Hand top-dressed thin turf areas on the greens and applied fertiliser
- Mowed the rough at a lower height
- Constructed and backfilled the new rock wall on hole 10 with soil
- Compacted the hole 10 rock wall soil and prepared the area for new turf
- Inspected and repaired drainage lines on hole 10
- Trimmed the irrigation heads around the greens
Next week, the team plans to do the following on The Pines golf course:
- Re-open the course after renovations are completed
- Continue mowing the rough
- Dust the greens
The Palms golf course will undergo the following:
- Re-open hole 10 following the completion of final works around the rock wall
- Verti-cut and dust the greens
- Edge and detail the paths
- Continue detailing the gardens
- Trim the irrigation, valve box, and drainage gates
- Re-turf and repair bare patches on the fairways
Applying a foliar fertiliser to The Palms golf course hole 11 fairway, tees, and aprons
Applying a foliar fertiliser to The Palms golf course hole 11 fairway, tees, and aprons
Applying a foliar fertiliser to The Palms golf course hole 18 fairway, tees, and aprons
The Palms golf course hole 11 rough after being mown
The new rock wall on The Palms golf course hole 10 after completing construction and backfilling
Preparing The Palms golf course hole 10 rock wall for new turf