Coaching Tip with Steve Darmody – Pitch it Closer

Coaching Special – Are you interested in playing better golf? Have a lesson with Steve and work out an improvement plan.

How many times have you heard, “Keep your head down”? While this might seem like good advice, maintaining a steady and slightly upward head position is actually the key to better timing and body control around the greens.

In the images below:

  • Top images: A steady, stable head position is maintained, with the forward swing initiated by the left hip turning.
  • Bottom images: The head drops and moves towards the target through impact, creating an unstable pitching action that often results in poor contact.

Focusing on a steady head and proper hip movement can significantly improve your control and consistency in short-game shots.

Take advantage of our special offer: book and pre-pay for a four-lesson package to receive a 15% discount off the regular single-lesson price.

Why not set up a game improvement program over several lessons? Call Steve on 0491 601 165 and book your first game-changing lesson.

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