Message from Golf Course Superintendent Cameron Smith
“This week, the Golf Course Maintenance team focused on essential upkeep across The Pines and The Palms golf courses. Tasks included applying fungicide treatments to greens, growth control to tees, and routine mowing of all playing surfaces and rough areas. On The Pines golf course, additional work was carried out to trim valve lids while preparations continued for the upcoming renovations. Next week, efforts will shift to sprinkler maintenance on The Pines golf course and fertiliser applications to the fairways and green surrounds on The Palms golf course.“
Update on the Golf Courses
The Golf Course Maintenance team completed the following this week on and around The Pines golf course:
- Continued mowing all playing surfaces
- Applied a fungicide to the greens
- Applied a growth control and an herbicide to the tees
- Mowed the rough
- Continued trimming valve lids
On The Palms golf course, the following was completed this week:
- Continued mowing all playing surfaces
- Applied a fungicide to the greens
- Applied a growth control and an insecticide to the tees
- Mowed the rough
Next week, the team plans to do the following on The Pines golf course:
The Palms golf course will undergo the following: