Message from Golf Course Superintendent Cameron Smith
“Over the last seven days, the Golf Course Maintenance team has been focused on preparing The Pines golf course for the Men’s and Ladies’ Shootout on Sunday and the Legends Pro-Am on Tuesday. It was unfortunate, but unstable weather conditions have created some challenges. With the considerable rainfall during the Legends Pro-Am event, followed by another 37mm of rain overnight, we were forced to close both courses on Wednesday. Despite the situation, the team was committed to resuming maintenance as soon as possible, paying particular attention to ensuring the roughs were being cut regularly on both courses.“
Update on the Golf Courses
The Golf Course Maintenance team completed the following this week on and around The Pines golf course:
- Undertook final preparations to improve the course conditions before events
- Commenced a cut of the rough
- Detailed and mulched around the Clubhouse
- Trimmed the valve lids on course
- Cleared the drains following the recent wet weather
On The Palms golf course, the following was completed this week:
- Applied a fertiliser to the fairways, tees and aprons
- Commenced a cut of the rough
- Trimmed drainage pits
- Continued weed spraying on the gardens
- Lowered the cutting height for the new turf areas on hole 7
- Cleared the drains
Next week, the team plans to do the following on The Pines golf course:
- Continue cutting the rough
- Apply an herbicide to the tees to remove ryegrass
The Palms golf course will undergo the following:
- Continue cutting the rough
- Remove dead trees from the course
- Verti-cut and dust the greens
- Apply a granular fertiliser to the course
A trimmed valve box on The Palms golf course
A cleaned and trimmed drainage pit on The Palms golf course
Mulching in front of the Clubhouse
Mulching in the car park gardens
Mulching next to The Pines golf course practice green
A recently mulched garden in front of the Clubhouse
The Palms golf course hole 7 after being recently mown
Applying a fertiliser to The Palms golf course