Go Pink Overview

Sanctuary Cove Golf and Country Club went pink for October once again in support of breast cancer research conducted by Griffith University’s Institute for Biomedicine and Glycomics. To help raise funds for this worthy cause, the Club hosted an array of events and activations for our members, who supported these initiatives with generous donations.

The total funds raised from our annual Month of Pink initiative, in alignment with National Breast Cancer Foundation Awareness Month and supporting the Institute, were $14,960.

The partnership Sanctuary Cove Golf and Country Club continues to foster with the Institute is invaluable, and we are proud to show our support by way of raising these funds and awareness for the Institute. Along with the Club board, management and staff, the Institute for Glycomics wishes to express its sincere gratitude and thanks to all who were involved and donated to this cause. The funds raised will go a long way in supporting ground-breaking research into breast cancer.

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