Farewell Tara Goom

It is with a mix of sadness and joy that we announce the departure of Tara Goom from her role as Member Services Officer. Tara has been presented with an exciting opportunity to return to her previous passion in childcare education where she will work as a teacher. We are thrilled that she will be able to follow this fulfilling career path but she will certainly be missed here at the Club.

Since joining us Tara has brought so much warmth, enthusiasm, and her trademark bubbly personality to the Member Services team. Her dedication both to her work and to making members feel welcome has been invaluable. 

Tara’s last official day with us will be Friday 20 September 2024. As Tara embarks on this next adventure, we extend our heartfelt thanks for her contributions to the Club and wish her the very best in her new role.

Thank you Tara for everything and good luck with the exciting journey ahead!

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