Update on the Golf Courses

The Golf Course Maintenance team completed the following this week:

  • Vert cut and dusting of The Palms greens
  • Humic acid application on The Palms greens
  • Foliar fertiliser application on The Palms fairways, tees, and aprons
  • Amendments applied to The Pines greens
  • Herbicide application on The Pines rough
  • Valve box trim on The Pines 
  • Mowing The Palms rough 
  • Mulch spread on The Palms 2nd hole
  • Trimming of the new Palms bunkers

Next week the team plans to:

  • Needle tine The Pines greens
  • Apply foliar fertiliser on The Pines fairways, tees ,and aprons
  • Apply herbicide on The Palms bunkers
  • Irrigation trim The Pines
  • Trim The Palms valve boxes

The Palms – Bunker Works 

Click here for further details on the project. 

Website by MiClub