Golf Competition Types

A player’s total number of strokes on each hole is entered on the score card for the 18 holes. The player’s full handicap is deducted from their total strokes, which is their nett score. The player who completes their stipulated round in the fewest nett strokes is the winner. Usually, a gross winner is also determined for Monthly Medal events.

Stableford involves scoring points based on results on each hole. Using the index for each hole, players can make a mental allocation of their full handicap for each of the 18 holes. For example, a player on a handicap of 16 will add one shot to the par value of each hole indexed 1-16 to determine their own par for the hole, and no shots are allocated to holed indexed 17 and 18. Thus, a hole rated as a par 4 becomes a par 5 for the player.

The points-scoring method is then calculated by allocating

  • one point for one over par,
  • two points for a par,
  • three points for one under par,
  • four points for two under par, and so on.

For example, a player receiving one stroke on a par-4-hole scores 4 (i.e. one under par), giving them a nett 3; for this the player receives 3 points. A player at a par-3-hole scores a 4 but does not receive a stroke (i.e. one over par); for this the player would receive 1 point.

Players who exceed their own par by two strokes score no points for the hole, and since they cannot improve on that result, they should pick up their ball. When marking the score card, the number of strokes taken must always be recorded as well as the Stableford points scored. At the end of the round all points scored are added up and the player having the highest number of points is the winner.

4BBB Stableford
The Stableford system is used in this event and the competition is played with a partner. Individual full handicaps are applied to each player and the highest Stableford score out of the two players on each hole is recorded. The team having the highest number of points at the end of the round is the winner.

4BBB Aggregate Stableford
The Stableford system is used in this event and the competition is played with a partner, as in a 4BBB Stableford. Individual full handicaps are applied to each player and the number of points scored by each player on every hole is recorded, as well as a total, or ‘aggregate’, for the team. The team having the highest number of points is the winner. Again, when marking the score card, the number of strokes taken must always be shown for holes where points are scored. Thus, the card records both strokes and Stableford points.

4BBB Stroke
The stroke system is used in this event and the competition is played with a partner. Individual full handicaps are applied to each player and the lowest nett score with their individual handicap being used will determine the best nett score on each hole. If a player is allocated one stroke on a hole, they must take that off their gross score to give them their nett score on the hole. If the partner cannot beat the score, they are encouraged to pick up their ball. The team having the lowest nett score at the end of the round is the winner.

2, 3 and 4-Ball Ambrose
This event can be played as a two, three or four-person event. Each player plays a tee shot at each hole. The team captain of the group (usually the player with the lowest handicap) selects the best drive which is then played by its owner. The other members retrieve their balls and in turn drop within one club-length of the selected position and play their second shots. This procedure of selecting the best position continues until a ball is holed. When on the green, balls are placed on the selected spot.

This event can be played as a gross event, with the winning team having the lowest nett score on the day. Handicaps are calculated and deducted as follows:

  • Two-person event – ¼ of aggregate stroke handicap;
  • Three-person event – 1/6 of the aggregate handicap;
  • Four-person event – 1/8 of the aggregate handicap.

Two players play as partners and use one ball. The partners strike off alternately from the tee and thereafter strike the ball alternately during the play of each hole. Players will tee off alternately on every hole, regardless of who played the last shot on the former hole; i.e. one player tees off on all odd-numbered holes, with their partner teeing off on all even-numbered holes. Scoring is done as for a stroke round and the total is subject to a deduction of half the partners’ aggregate handicaps.

Note: If either player incurs a penalty stroke it does not alter the rotation of play.

Canadian Foursomes
This event is played as per a Foursomes event except that both players play tee shots at every hole. They continue with whichever ball they nominate, with the partner playing the second stroke.

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